Work History


Software Engineer

TypeScript, React, NextJS, NodeJS, Material UI, Apollo Client, GraphQL, Prisma, PostgreSQL, NextAuth, Terraform, AWS, Cypress, Jest, StorybookJS, Ably

A marketplace for finding Dungeons & Dragons games run by professional Game Masters. This start-up was funded by Andreesen Horowitz (a16z) and was developed under the tech accelerator YCombinator. I was a founding enginer and helped to migrate the site off of Bubble and into NextJS. I designed and built various features such as the host payout flow, chat, and the page for managing games.

StartPlaying screenshot

Unbound ML

Senior Full Stack Software Engineer

TypeScript, React, NextJS, Tailwindcss, NodeJS, Material UI, Firebase, Pinecone, LangChain, GPT Tokenizer, RadixUI, Jotai, MixPanel, PostHog, SWR

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence tools for small businesses. I refactored the data layer of the codebase to make data-fetching and state more consistent across the site resulting in a 50% reduction of user-facing errors. Beyond the technical requirements, I led workshops on how to approach product development and mentored junior developers on the team.

Unbound screenshot

Adopt Ag

Full Stack Software Engineer

TypeScript, React, NextJS, NodeJS, Tailwindcss, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Docker, NextAuth, Argon2, GCP

A start-up using agricultural data to create value. I was a contract Full Stack Software Engineer building out the web app of this data science heavy company. I streamlined the development of forms and inputs by creating an flexible component library using Tailwindcss. I leveraged NextAuth and Argon2 to facilitate user authentication and secure encryption of custom passwords generated during user sign-up.

Adopt Ag screenshot


Software Engineer

TypeScript, NodeJS, Jest, Webpack, VS Code APIs

A Visual Studio Code (VS Code) exention for Gatsby - it married one of the most popular integrated development environments (IDE) with one of the most popular React frameworks. This was developed under the tech accelerator OSLabs and has over 5,000+ installs on the Visual Studio Marketplace. I utilized TypeScript and NodeJS to integrate Gatsby CLI features into VS Code using various VS Code APIs.

GatsbyHub screenshot